Market Square reimagined
A Pandemic Response
Market Square Knoxville, TN
At the height of the COVID pandemic, reimagining our outdoor public spaces as positive community assets was needed, as was adapting them to our new shared experience. The Downtown Knoxville Alliance engaged Fork Design to reimagine Market Square as a safe outdoor space for seating, dining, passive gathering, and a place to enjoy public art.
Our design team blended Landscape, Architecture, and Fabrication and Construction expertise to develop a central civic space with guiding principals to :
Create Educational & Recreational Experiences
Promote Safety & Comfort
Intuitive Organization of Occupancy & Circulation
Maximize Diversity, Accessibility, & Resilience
Encourage Culture
Embrace the Moment
This design process was a positive exercise in thinking adaptively about community needs, while exploring the values shared by humanity in a time of being apart.
TYPE Public
AREA 60,000 sf
LANDSCAPE DESIGN Gardner Monaco Design